The Endless Village - a satirical sitcom from General Public, set in an imagined future post-Brexit Britain will be launched on Thursday 29 March at the Aspex Gallery. Investigating life, localism and trade relations, the sitcom pilot - entitled Banana Day - presents a meditation on future daily life in NFKATUK - the Nation Formerly Known As The UK: It is 2066, 50 years since Brexit and 1000 years since the Norman Conquest. A devolution revolution has gripped the public consciousness as countries then counties seek political control on a local level - leading to a succession of tribes, small self-sufficient communities and 'endless villages'. The resulting breakdown in global trade renders legally sourced bananas virtually non-existent. But each year in Kingdom#3, a special community celebration is held called ‘Banana Day’, a time to celebrate the forbidden fruit. Why do Kingdom#3 insist on celebrating the banana, an unavailable fruit with a colonial history? How will t...